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What are some guidelines to produce high-quality files?

Your crop marks should match the finished size of the product you’re ordering. If a variation exists between your file’s crop marks and the finished size of the template,  ARTSUBSTANCE will center your artwork based on the file’s crop marks. 

Your product will be centered based on the trim box instead of the crop marks of the PDF. In most cases, crop marks and trim boxes are set to be the same. Trim boxes are helpful in interpreting the size of a custom order.  

If your file contains unsuitable crop marks (e.g., ones that are manually “drawn” or rasterized), our system may fail to recognize the trim and orientation of your art. This discrepancy could result in a finished product that does not meet your expectations. Please contact a customer service rep if you need details about the guidelines. 

If you’re uncertain how to define the page boxes when creating a PDF, or if your layout software does not support them, just ensure that your artwork is centered in your PDF page as mentioned above. In rare cases, an undefined trim box could result in the system failing to correctly recognize the orientation of the file, as indicated by the red trim box overlay on your proof. Please contact customer service if you have any questions.